Stop Living In This Land Go To The Everlasting World Of Happiness Live There Forever
At last, the way to become complete is revealed in Woo Myung's best-selling book, Stop Living in This Land Go to the Everlasting World of Happiness Live There Forever. Now we can live in the everlasting world of happiness. By discarding one's false mind, one can live as the infinite, never-changing universe, which is the true self. This book unveils the mysteries of the human mind and teaches the ultimate solution to become liberated from the illusion of the false self and live forever as Truth. It gives all people hope to be free of pain and suffering. This book is for everyone. The diversity of people interested in these teachings is as vast as humanity itself. This book provides the ultimate answers to the questions, 'What is the human mind?' 'What is the meaning and purpose of life?' 'What is enlightenment?' A countless number of people have asked these questions and many have tried to answer them. This book provides the ultimate answers. Now is the time to stop living in this land. Now is time to go to the everlasting world of happiness and live forever in the true world. Woo Myung will teach you how.